Appartments for sale, Galernaya st. 59 (total area 700 sq.m)

Part of a three-storey building with a separate entrance and facade facing Galernaya street for sale. The building was architected in 1798-1858 by J.F.J. Dutel. 

Separate main entrance. Parking situated in a spacious yard which entrance is located in the centre of the building. Perfect for commercial use.

The building is located 200m away from the New Holland. Novo-Admiralteysky and Admiralteysky canals, the palace of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich and the palace of Bobrinskys, the mansion of N.P.Rumyantsev and the mansion of Stenbock-Fermor nearby as well as Angliyskaya embankment with the quay of cruise ships on the Bolshaya Neva. St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Admiralty and the Senate are situated a little bit further.

The building is currently used as a cozy hotel with a cafe on the ground floor. Major overhaul including replacement of intermediate floors, staircases and all communications has been done. Modern air conditioning, forced-air and exhaust ventilation with air heating, water cleaning and filtering systems are set. The rooms are equipped with modern sanitary equipment, electronic and household appliances and beautiful foreign furniture.

The hotel is listed in the major foreign and domestic handbooks and catalogs and has a good reputation and occupancy rate. Direct sale. Galernaya street. Functioning hotel. 

cell +7(931) 343-43-88
Price: 220'000'000 rur (314'286 per sq.m)

price: 220'000'000 rur (314'286 per sq.m)

Rooms: 13
DISTRICT: Адмиралтейский
Metro station: Василеостровская
ADDRESS: Галерная ул., 59
RAGENTCONTACTS: +7-911-920-19-81
Total area, m2: 635.3
Live area, m2: 262,6
Kitchen, m2: 51,4
BLOCKTYPE: Реконструкция
Floor: 1-2-3
Building top-floor: 3
WINDOWS: На три стороны
HEATING: Теплоцентраль, электрокотел
NOTES: Отдельный вход. Можно присоединить мансарду 300 м2..
REFTYPE: .Дизайн - проект. классический стиль.
Ownership: Физического лица.
Building floors: 3
Electrical power: Есть
Max el. power: 36
WATER: Цетральное водоснабжение
To metro, min: 10 минут пешком
Pond: Нева
Bath: Несколько на каждом этаже
ENTRANCES: Парадный с улицы и со двора
Repair state: Дизайн - проект. Классический стиль.
ADDSERVICES: Три машиноместа в закрытом дворе.
EQUIPMENT: Кондиционер.Все необходимое электро-бытовое оборудование. Итальянская мебель.
Ceiling height: 3,55

price: 320000000 Rub.

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Saint-Petersburg, 199034
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